Enter the World of Steve Dawson Originals
An Artist's Journey

My Story
I am an artist at heart. I love the outdoors and the beauty that exists all around us. I am a sketch hunter - wondering about the landscape and small towns stopping to record what strikes me. The sketch may be a few quick notes of color or some scribbles on a pad of paper. It could be a journal entry, photograph, fish caught, or mud on my boots. If time allows I will set up the easel and paint "en plein air" directly from life. Some of these studies get frames while others might inform a studio painting. Whatever the end result the magic is in the experience. As an artist I am on a journey towards creating art that speaks to others.   Using some combination of pigments and mark making I hope to represent our world in a way that creates a sense of place. I am seeking truth in the landscape - truth in light, truth in form, truth in the grandeur of nature.